Request Repeat Prescription

Please Complete the Form Below for Repeat Prescriptions

Please fill in all the relevant details using the form below. Prescriptions will be sent electronically to the pharmacy if you include it below.

Prescription requests will be reviewed by the Doctors, and you may be invited to attend for a review consultation or blood test.

Please do not ask clinical questions in this form as they cannot be answered. Please allow up to 48 Hrs for prescriptions to be processed.

Prescription Type *

Please specify at least one medication, up to 5 can be entered per request. If you have more than 5 please fill in this form again and submit.

Have any of your prescription details changed since your last visit to us? If so please add a note to explain.

Your prescription request has been sent successfully. Please allow 48 hours for this to be processed.
There was an error trying to send your request. Please check your details and send again.

At Griffin Daly Medical Centre we are Patient-Centred. We are dedicated to the life-long care of our patients and their families.