Well Man Check

Well Man Check

At Griffin Daly Medical Centre we believe that prevention is better than cure, and offer a comprehensive health screening service for men. This will include:

  • Full lifestyle assessment to include dietary issues
  • Full medical history and assessment of risk factors
  • Full physical examination with a doctor

We also provide investigations on site to include:Blood pressure, Pulse, Weight and Height, Waist circumference and calculation of Body Mass Index, Urinalysis, ECG, Spirometry, Visual acuity and colour blindness testing.

We provide access to examinations to test for: Anaemia, Haemachromatosis, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Liver, Kidney and Thyroid function, Gout, Cholesterol and Diabetes, Prostate cancer screening

Further tests available as required such as Chest X-ray, Echo and Exercise Stress Testing

We provide each patient with a comprehensive report and Personal Health Plan and offer referrals to relevant specialists where necessary