Nursing Services
At Griffin Daly Medical Centre we promote preventative medicine through screening for chronic illness, while also supporting healthy habits which include eating well, weight loss, exercising and smoking cessation.
Our Practice Nurse, Geraldine Ryan, is with us for over 20 years and will be happy to review, discuss, and assess your risk factors for various illnesses including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, breast disease etc.
She also offers various other services to support your health and well-being, and that of your family. These services include fasting blood tests, blood pressure or cholesterol checks, cervical smears and more:
Blood Tests
Blood tests are performed by Geraldine and you can contact reception to arrange an appointment. Bloods are transported by courier to the hospital laboratories on the same day. For many blood tests results are back within a few days and results can be discussed with our nursing or medical staff.
Blood Pressure Checks
24 hour blood pressure monitoring is performed to accurately diagnose if high blood pressure exists. Many people suffer from high blood pressure in the clinical setting while attending medical appointments but not at home.
24 hour blood pressure monitoring is the gold standard method of diagnosing hypertension and assists in the speedy management of this condition to prevent longterm complications
Diabetes Monitoring
We have an ever increasing population of people with diabetes. We routinely screen for diabetes in the practice and our team have a lot of expertise in managing this condition. We work in conjunction with the hospital to provide expert care.
Cervical Smears
Cervical smears aim to detect abnormalities at the base of the womb that may lead to cervical cancer. We are registered with Cervical Check, the National Cervical Screening Programme. We provide free cervical smear tests to women aged between 25 and 60.
For more information on the cervical smear programme and to register for your free smear log on to
We can also facilitate private smears for further investigation of any symptoms or concerns you may have between regular smears. Please contact us should you require any further information.
Read more about women’s health services provided >>
Wounds and ulcerations requiring dressings will be assessed by the doctor and or the practice nurse. Some wounds can be managed in the practice by the practice nurse who is very experienced in this area. We may in some cases refer patients to the public health nurse for assistance in more chronic wound care.
Smoking Cessation Advice
As one of the major risk factors in heart/lung diseases and many cancers we encourage all our patients to consider stopping smoking. We can provide support and advice and prescribe medications to assist in stopping if deemed suitable.
If you are considering stopping smoking please make an appointment to discuss this with one of our team and check out this website for further advice
Vaccinations are a simple, safe and effective way of protecting yourself and your loved ones. At Griffin Daly Medical Centre we provide, Covid 19 Vaccinations as well as Travel, Chicken Pox, HPV / Cervical Cancer Vaccine, Childhood and Seasonal Vaccinations. Find out more >>