
Vaccinations are a simple, safe and effective way of protecting yourself and your loved ones. At Griffin Daly Medical Centre we provide, Covid 19 Vaccinations as well as Travel, Chicken Pox, Childhood and Seasonal Vaccinations.

Travel Vaccinations

If you are planning a trip abroad you may require travel vaccinations. Destinations such as The Caribbean, Asia, Africa, South and Central America usually necessitate vaccinations, for some countries it is mandatory prior to entry. For some countries, anti-malarial tablets will also be required.

Griffin Daly Medical Centre is a designated Yellow Fever vaccine clinic. Vaccines provided include Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Polio and Rabies. We also provide prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis.

Please book an appointment and we can advise you on the appropriate vaccinations, it is a good idea to book well in advance of travelling as some vaccinations require 3 separate injections. If you have information on previous travel vaccinations please bring this to the consultation as this will help the doctor decide what vaccinations you will need.

Childhood Vaccinations

Griffin Daly Medical Centre is licensed to give childhood immunisations following the National Immunisation Guidelines. These vaccinations begin at 2 months of age and are free of charge. When you bring your baby for the 6 week check up we will discuss vaccinations with you.

In addition we can provide chickenpox and meningitis B vaccine on request.

Seasonal Vaccinations

The influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations are recommended for at risk patients. These vaccinations are normally given in the autumn months. Please contact the surgery to arrange an appointment.

Cervical Cancer (HPV) Vaccination

These have now become part of the public health vaccination schedule.

This vaccination can be offered to both females and males to help prevent contracting the Human Papilloma Virus.